Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Week 14 Update

For this week, I decided to focus my attention on starting the project report. I wanted to ensure that we had an outline of what we wanted to say. So far, we have advanced greatly in our project report and I am happy that I will have enough time to start on the FEA. Although finals are approaching, I am hoping to get FEA done for the project report. Since we were not able to finalize the FEA before the third presentation, we want to ensure that we finish this semester strong and at least provide most of the FEA needed. However, we are ready to work to on this over winter break if needed in order to focus our attention on manufacturing for the Spring semester.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Week 13 Update

For this week, I focused my attention on the presentation. Since we had Thanksgiving break, I wanted to have everything done as soon as possible so that we would have material for the blog. I finished up the column assembly over the break as I had to redesign it based on Futran's specifications. Below is the image of the rebuilt column assembly.

However, I ran into some issues trying to simulate the assembly on Solidworks, which lead me to falling behind even more on the analysis. For our presentation we lacked some substance due to do this, but I am hoping to finish all of the designs before the semester is over. My teammate and I want to ensure that we finish as much as possible before we have to submit the final report.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Week 12 Update

For this week I focused on re-assembling the column assembly. We had just recently finished up re-designing the column so we wanted to get the assembly done as soon as possible. However, I came about an issue; all of the other parts needed to be reassembled as well. For the next week I am hoping to finish the re-designs in order to get that information on the third presentation. We have been a little behind on this portion of our senior project, but we are also finding that everything is coming together nicely. Below is the assembly that I will be redesigning.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Week 11 Update

For this week, my job was to focus on updating the third rail design so that the supports will be of correct length. Nik from the Interface Bogie Team updated us on how tall the bogie switching wheels would be standing. The original supports for the third rail were 10" long and with the new information they are now roughly 1.5". The third rail also had to be slightly re-designed to ensure that our analysis was optimized.
I am planning to continue with analysis and design for the rest of this week and the next. We want to have as much material as possible for the third presentation. We also want to continue working towards finalizing our design so that there is little to no change from here on out.
One of the only problems I faced this week was created the segmented track, for some reason we could not a get an 8-m radius of curvature. We did however create the concept on CAD to present the idea to other teams.

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Week 9 Update

For this week I focused on sharpening up our presentation and trying to get some FEA to the Solar Panel Team. I found myself having several issues with the columns provided by Futran when I attempted to perform FEA. I am currently working with David to rebuild these so we can continue on with our analysis and get some information out to the Solar Panel Team.

For the next week, I am hoping to help out with CAD drawings and FEA on these so that we can continue to build material to present to the rest of the teams. We are currently focusing our attention on designing the junction and possibly implementing a different method of curvature. We are looking into welding straight sections to resemble a curve and then using a thin metal sheet to attach to the inside of the curve to smooth it out. This would be opposed to bending the tubing needed for the railing.

I am currently on schedule but am running a little late on the FEA for the column. This is just due to the bad CADs, so once that is fixed I can get that done too.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Week 8 Update

For this week I focused my attention on the second presentation we will be giving on 10/24 (Wed). This presentation was finalized after i performed some FEA on the four different kind of third rail designs. In the end, my partner and I decided to go with the hollow diamond shape; this shape is just a 2x2" square sheet metal beam that will be rotated 45 degrees to get the diamond shape (figure 1). The FEA that was conducted is pictured in figures 2,3 and 4.

 Figure 1 (left): Design for third rail 
 Figure 2 (left): FOS=16 for the hollow diamond-shaped rail
 Figure 3 (left): Highest displacement is 1.31mm 
Figure 4 (above): the Von Mises stresses are presented with the highest being around 2.32e7 Pa

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Week 7 Update

For this week, I focused on curving our track and implementing the third rail to get a conceptual design. This design was needed to add to our presentation next week, so I spent a lot of time trying to perfect that curve. Our design is not the best, but we wanted to at least have a representation for the presentation and also to show to other groups so they can have an idea of our design.

I also focused on the third rail system and am hoping to start some FEA on this so that we have more to talk about during the presentation. I am still familiarizing myself with ANSYS and SolidWorks FEA, so I am hoping to have that done before the weekend so that I am right on track for Presentation #2. As of now, we are going to be implementing the triangular third rail and that provides a flat surface for the supports to be welded onto (figure 1). We want our third rail to withstand flexing and the force that the bogie will be exerting onto it. I believe that using the triangular shaped third rail will help with these because the supports will be welded onto a flat surface versus being welded onto a triangular shape (figure 2).

  Figure 1 (left): The top of this rail is triangular
Figure 2 (left): The third rail design we will be
                                                                                                                 implementing. The supports are also shown 

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Week 6 Update

For this week, I focused on possible designs for the third rail. I was trying to create an assembly to show what the third rail would look like implemented into Futran's design. Below, are two different examples for the third rail design (triangular or diamond-shaped). We are still debating if the rail should be solid or hollow as shown in images. If the rail is solid, we would be welding on the supports and if it is hollow, we would be bolting on the supports. Our decision for whether to go with solid or hollow will be made after we conduct some analysis. Also, the arrows in the images show where the bogie comes in contact with the rail. 
I am still working on the assembly with the third rail implemented, and will hopefully have that done for the second presentation. We are hoping to also do some analysis on the third rail so that we can decide on what shape and if it should be solid or hollow.

 Image 1 (left): Diamond-shaped solid cross section

 Image 2 (left): Triangular-shaped hollow cross section

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Week 5 Update

 For this week, we decided to focus on getting our dimensions for the different parts of the Guideway. We wanted to make sure that everyone on the Bogie teams could design accordingly. We were not able to get the files for each individual part of the track, but we were able to get some overall dimensions that other teams would need.
The next step is going to be implementing some designs. Our goal is to have the third-rail designed by next week so that we can start some analysis.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Week 4 Update

This week, our focus was on the presentation. We wanted to ensure that the rest of our team would understand what that scope of our project is. David and I took some time to come together to work on it and make sure that we were on the same page. 

For this upcoming week, I am hoping to continue the design and start drafting for the final report. We are now in the early stages of design and we want to be able to document as much as possible in order to build our report. I am also going to look into possible funding for the Guideway, since our budget seems to be the highest. We are also hoping to get some dimensions so that the other teams (bogie, wayside and solar) can have something to design around. However, we are sure that some things will not change, like the gap between tracks. Still, we are hoping to implement a third rail system on the turning portion of the track; this will only affect height of the track. 

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Week 3 Update

This past week we decided to focus on designing what we could based on the dimensions given through the shared files. Within these files, we found that there were two different dimensions for the same part. This was surprising, and showed us how important universal dimensions are. We want to ensure that the bogie fits into our design, and without universal dimensions it could easily turn into a problem. Therefore, we decided to make sure that our dimensions were not constantly changing without updating other teams of said changes. 

Image 1: The cross-section with different dimensions. 
We want to make this dimension universal throughout the teams. 

We are on currently right on schedule, so that takes the pressure off of presentations quite a bit, since we seem to have a pretty clear vision of what we want to design and add. However, one of the issues we are facing is getting more files for the Futran track that were proved in the previous year. Without this dimensions found in those files, our deadlines for design will be pushed back and our gantt chart will change. We are hoping to continue on from previous years, therefore having the documents from Futran will really improve our productivity and keep us on track for the semester.  

Image 2:  Gantt chart proposed for Fall semester 2018

Furthermore, for the next week, I plan to focus on the presentation and getting that ready. I want to make sure that my team's objectives are clear and that our project can continue on to the next stages.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018


My name is Evelia Leyva and I am an aspiring Mechanical Engineer attending San Jose State University. I am working towards my Bachelor's Degree and my focus will be design. I have some background within the Electrical Engineering department due to an internship I participated in Summer 2017. My future interests include working at companies such as Tesla or Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI). I am interested in this project because it is innovative and a great service to our community of San Jose. The system at hand can be a beneficial service and I would like to be a part of the team that helps make this a success.