Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Week 13 Update

For this week, I focused my attention on the presentation. Since we had Thanksgiving break, I wanted to have everything done as soon as possible so that we would have material for the blog. I finished up the column assembly over the break as I had to redesign it based on Futran's specifications. Below is the image of the rebuilt column assembly.

However, I ran into some issues trying to simulate the assembly on Solidworks, which lead me to falling behind even more on the analysis. For our presentation we lacked some substance due to do this, but I am hoping to finish all of the designs before the semester is over. My teammate and I want to ensure that we finish as much as possible before we have to submit the final report.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Week 12 Update

For this week I focused on re-assembling the column assembly. We had just recently finished up re-designing the column so we wanted to get the assembly done as soon as possible. However, I came about an issue; all of the other parts needed to be reassembled as well. For the next week I am hoping to finish the re-designs in order to get that information on the third presentation. We have been a little behind on this portion of our senior project, but we are also finding that everything is coming together nicely. Below is the assembly that I will be redesigning.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Week 11 Update

For this week, my job was to focus on updating the third rail design so that the supports will be of correct length. Nik from the Interface Bogie Team updated us on how tall the bogie switching wheels would be standing. The original supports for the third rail were 10" long and with the new information they are now roughly 1.5". The third rail also had to be slightly re-designed to ensure that our analysis was optimized.
I am planning to continue with analysis and design for the rest of this week and the next. We want to have as much material as possible for the third presentation. We also want to continue working towards finalizing our design so that there is little to no change from here on out.
One of the only problems I faced this week was created the segmented track, for some reason we could not a get an 8-m radius of curvature. We did however create the concept on CAD to present the idea to other teams.