Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Week 12 Update

For this week, David and I were able to secure the manufacturing of the third rail. Since this is now being crossed off our list, we also needed to ensure that we had the rest of the materials. Since we still need more wood in order to properly build the track, we are hoping to go to Home Depot this coming Thursday (4/25). This will be the plan for the week. Although we are not going to Maker Faire, we still wanted to ensure that something would be done. Our plan is to build what we can.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Week 11 Update

For this week David and I were finally able to finalize the move of the track! Below I attached some images that we were able to capture during the move.

I also focused my attention on getting a new third rail design. After some discussion with the bogie team, we decided to make a new third rail design that would resemble a pipe in order to lower the cost and make manufacturing more likely. Below is the new design I was able to come up with. The pipe had a diameter of 2.25". Meanwhile, David focused his attention on talking to manufacturers in order to get some quotes as well as find the feasibility of manufacturing.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Week 10 Update

For this week, I focused my attention of the moving of the tracks for full and half scale. With the help of enough people, we were able to move half. However, we were not able to get the track inside the building and we had to leave the parts outside. We are hoping that there is no more rain in order to prevent further rusting. We also had to present this week.

For the next week I will be focusing on designing a new third rail as we are running out of time.